If you are looking to become more involved, then you are already organising.
The first step to a better union is the strength of its membership and the activity of its members. We sometimes talk about "the Union" as if it were a separate entity, but a Union is simply its membership, and can only be as strong as the members want to be.

If you already know the union members currently in your workplace, then you are halfway there. If not, or you are unsure, then just ask. Those who are not may be interested in joining and the higher your density of members,  the stronger the membership. Remember that some people will not wish to speak about this with you, and this is absolutely fine, be sure not to push the issue of membership as it can actively turn people away. Also, bear in mind that the new GDPR regulations mean that Union Membership is "special category data", so there is no obligation to disclose this information to anyone.

Now you have an idea of how many people are in the Union, communication is key. See if the other members would like to hold a meeting, or for the more tech-savvy, you could create a WhatsApp group or a conversation on Facebook Messenger. If you are going to go for the WhatsApp  /  Facebook Messenger, always remember to keep it professional in your discussions (screenshots can happen, and information can leak).

A good next step is to identify key issues that are affecting the workforce.  Get an idea of the strengths and weakness of your workplace. Find out what the workforce would like to see change and/or improve and write these down. Now have a think about how likely it is that you can achieve these goals. Be honest with each other, there is no point trying to attempt to change the world overnight, you will exhaust yourself and lose heart quickly that way.  

A good way to chart this is using a SMART chart, and ask yourselves the following :
  • Specific - Is the goal clear?
  • Measurable - Can you track the progress of what you intend to do?
  • Achievable - Are you able to do it?
  • Realistic - Even if you are able, is it possible?
  • Time - Can you set a timeframe in which it should be done?
If you find that your membership numbers are low compared to the total workforce, consider attempting a recruitment drive first of all. You can also contact your local office to get materials, and even to have a chat with an officer about recruitment.  The more members you have, the easier your goals should be to achieve.
Also, remember that if you become an elected workplace representative, it may be easier again to achieve your goals, as you will have the power of both Unite and legislation behind you.  The union is inclusive and creates opportunities for involvement and activism for all members.

Learn more about becoming a Workplace Rep here.
